Crypto-Math CREST



Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Arithmetic study behind quantum interactions” in Mathematics Colloquium held at Department of mathematics, University Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Arithmetic Study Behind Spectra of Quantum Interactions” in Analysis and Mathematical Physics held at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
Prof. Masaaki Umehara delivered an invited talk on “Umbilics of surfaces in Euclidean space or Lorentz-Minkowski space” in the 4th Internatinal Conference on Surfaces, Analysis and Numerics in Differetial Geometry.
Mr. Keyang Liu and Dr. Maxim Jourenko received Best Paper Award in IEEE ISPA 2023 held in Wuhan, China.
Dr. Shunsuke Tsuchioka delivered an invited talk on “Schur partition theorems from the viewpoint of spin representations of the symmetric groups” in UC Berkeley Combinatorics Seminar.
Dr. Shuji Horinaga delivered an invited talk on “Cuspidal components of Siegel modular forms for large discrete series reprsentations of Sp_4(R)” in Number Theory in Fukuoka.
Dr. Cid Reyes-Bustos delivered an invited talk on “Limits of the spectral zeta function of the quantum Rabi model” in Number Theory in Fukuoka.
Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Partition functions and special values” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2023.
Dr. Cid Reyes-Bustos delivered an invited talk on “Zeta regularized products of certain integer sequences defined on trees” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2023.
Prof. Kazufumi Kimoto delivered an invited talk on “Some examples of two-variable zeta functions of graphs” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2023.
Prof. Tsuyoshi Takagi delivered an invited talk on ”Recent Developments in Post-Quantum Cryptography” in ProvSec2023 held in Wuhan, China.
Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Number Theory behind quantum interactions” in Algebraic geometry and Number theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy.
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