Crypto-Math CREST



2025.1.29 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an inviited talk on “Quantum interactions and number theory” in Number Theory Seminar held at Department of Mathematics, University of California San Diego in the United States.
2024.12.11 Prof. Keisuke Tanaka received IACR Test-of-Time Award at Asiacrypt 2024 held in Kolkata, India.
Damien Stehlé, Ron Steinfeld, Keisuke Tanaka, Keita Xagawa, “Efficient public key encryption based on ideal lattices”, Asiacrypt 2009.
2024.10.17 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Interacción luz-materia y funciones Zeta” in the 50th anniversary of the founding of ITAM Applied Mathematics held at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
2024.10.15 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Light and matter interactions with number theory and geometry” in Coloquio de Matemáticas Aplicadas, Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas held at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
2024.3.5 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Arithmetic study behind quantum interactions” in Mathematics Colloquium held at Department of mathematics, University Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
2024.3.1 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Arithmetic Study Behind Spectra of Quantum Interactions” in Analysis and Mathematical Physics held at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
2024.2.22 Prof. Masaaki Umehara delivered an invited talk on “Umbilics of surfaces in Euclidean space or Lorentz-Minkowski space” in the 4th Internatinal Conference on Surfaces, Analysis and Numerics in Differetial Geometry.
2023.12.23 Mr. Keyang Liu and Dr. Maxim Jourenko received Best Paper Award in IEEE ISPA 2023 held in Wuhan, China.
2023.12.05 Dr. Shunsuke Tsuchioka delivered an invited talk on “Schur partition theorems from the viewpoint of spin representations of the symmetric groups” in UC Berkeley Combinatorics Seminar.
2023.11.10 Dr. Shuji Horinaga delivered an invited talk on “Cuspidal components of Siegel modular forms for large discrete series reprsentations of Sp_4(R)” in Number Theory in Fukuoka.
2023.11.09 Dr. Cid Reyes-Bustos delivered an invited talk on “Limits of the spectral zeta function of the quantum Rabi model” in Number Theory in Fukuoka.
2023.10.27 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Partition functions and special values” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2023.
2023.10.26 Dr. Cid Reyes-Bustos delivered an invited talk on “Zeta regularized products of certain integer sequences defined on trees” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2023.
2023.10.26 Prof. Kazufumi Kimoto delivered an invited talk on “Some examples of two-variable zeta functions of graphs” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2023.
2023.10.21 Prof. Tsuyoshi Takagi delivered an invited talk on ”Recent Developments in Post-Quantum Cryptography” in ProvSec2023 held in Wuhan, China.
2023.9.25 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Number Theory behind quantum interactions” in Algebraic geometry and Number theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy.
2023.9.23 Dr. Cid Reyes-Bustos delivered an invited talk on “The heat kernel of the asymmetric quantum Rabi model” in More Anomalies in Partial Differential Equations – in honour of the 60th anniversary of Daniele Del Santo (Trieste) and Alberto Parmeggiani (Bologna), Castle of Bertinoro, Italy.
2023.9.22 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Representation and number theoretical aspects of the heat kernel for the quantum Rabi model” in More Anomalies in Partial Differential Equations – in honour of the 60th anniversary of Daniele Del Santo (Trieste) and Alberto Parmeggiani (Bologna), Castle of Bertinoro, Italy.
2023.9.15 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “The Mathematics behind Quantum Models with Fermion-Boson Interaction” in Seminar on Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, Augsburg University, Germany.
2023.8.23 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Consecutive eigenvalues distribution of asymmetric quantum Rabi models” in ICIAM 2023 Minisymposium, Quantification of Business Uncertainties through Industrial Mathematics.
2023.8.21 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Quantum computation and its viewpoint from spectral zeta functions” in ICIAM 2023 Minisymposium, The mathematics of quantum interaction models.
2023.8.21 Prof. Kazufumi Kimoto delivered an invited talk on “Spectrum of the noncommutative harmonic oscillator and number theory” in ICIAM 2023 Minisymposium, The mathematics of quantum interaction models.
2023.8.9 Prof. Shinya Nishibata delivered an invited talk on “Asymptotic stability of spherically symmetric stationary solutions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equation for outflow/inflow problems” in BIRS workshop “Partial Differential Equations in Fluid Dynamics” held in Hangzhou, China.
2023.8.4 Prof. Shinya Nishibata delivered an invited talk on “Stationary solutions for thermal non-equilibrium flows: existence and asymptotic stability in half space” at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.
2023.7.31 Prof. Jintai Ding of Tsinghua University delivered an invited talk on ”UOV and TUOV” at the University of Tokyo.
2023.5.19 Dr. Shunsuke Tsuchioka delivered an invited talk on “A vertex operator reformulation of the Kanade-Russell conjecture modulo 9” in Algebra and Logic Seminar held at University of Denver.
2023.5.18 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Number theory for certain quantum interaction models” in Tel Aviv Number Theory seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
2023.5.17 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Algebraic/geometric problems for certain quantum interaction models” in PDE and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, Technion, Israel.
2023.4.27 Dr. Shunsuke Tsuchioka delivered an invited talk on “A vertex operator reformulation of the Kanade-Russell conjecture modulo 9” in Representation seminar held at Kyoto University.
2023.3.6 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Geometric and algebraic problems on quantum interaction models” in Radboud University Nijmegen Geometry Seminar in the Netherlands.
2023.3.2 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Heat Kernels of Quantum Interaction Models for Quantum Computers” in SIAM Computational Science and Engineering 2023, Part of MS302 Mathematics for Industry in the Asia Pacific Area – Part I of II.
2023.2.24 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Algebra and geometry for quantum interaction models” in Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of Tübingen, Germany.
2023.1.26 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Covering of asymmetric quantum Rabi models and possible zeta problems” in the symposium “Rabi and Spin Boson models”.
2023.1.25 Dr. Shuji Horinaga delivered an invited talk on “Cuspidal components of Siegel modular forms for large discrete series representations of Sp4(R)” in Automorphic forms and Number Theory, in honor of Professor Tamotsu Ikeda’s 60th birthday.
2023.1.18 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Geometric and algebraic problems on quantum interaction models” in Conference on Fields theory and related Topics, RIMS Kyoto University.
2023.1.12 Dr. Shuji Horinaga delivered an invited talk on “Cuspidal components of Siegel modular forms for large discrete series representations of Sp4(R)” in RIMS conference “Analytic and arithmetic aspects of automorphic representations”.
2022.11.12 Dr. Atushi Takayasu received the Best Paper Award in the 16th International Conference on the theme of “Provable and Practical Security” (PROVSEC 2022).
2022.11.3 Prof. Kazufumi Kimoto delivered an invited talk on “Linear relations for Bernoulli numbers and congruence involving harmonic sums” in Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2022.
2022.10.19 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Quantum Interaction and Number Theory, Representation Theory ‒ modular forms a bit beyond, infinite symmetric group, Fuchsian ODE” in French-Japan Web-Seminar on Painlevé equations and related topics.
2022.10.5 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Quantum Interaction Models and Number Theory, Representation Theory” in Colloquium, Department of Mathematics held at University of Bologna, Italy.
2022.9.12 We held Crypto-Math CREST mini-workshop “Quantum computation and cryptography”.
2022.9.2 Mr. Hirotomo Shinoki received the Best Student Paper Award in the 17th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2022) .
2022.8.31 Prof. Tsuyoshi Takagi delivered an invited talk on “Recent Developments in Post-Quantum Cryptography” in the 17th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2022).
2022.7.23 Prof. Yoshinori Yamasaki delivered an invited talk on “Sum formulas for Schur multiple zeta values” in Zeta functions and their representations.
2022.6.20 With Professor Roger Howe, we held a conference “New aspects on Representation Theory – Number Theory, Graphs and Special Functions” on June 20, 2022, and a lecture on June 23, 2022. (Organizer: Masato Wakayama, Fundamental Mathematics Research Principal, NTT Institute of Fundamental Mathematics).
Abstract of the lecture
2022.6.20 Prof. Kazufumi Kimoto delivered an invited talk on “Immanants of the normalized Laplacian matrices for graph families” in Conference “New aspects on Representation Theory ‒ Number Theory, Graphs and Special Functions”.
2022.6.14 Dr. Shunsuke Tsuchioka delivered an invited talk on “An example of A2 Rogers-Ramanujan bipartition identities of level 3” in OIST Representation seminar.
2022.6.2 Dr. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on “Number Theory and Quantum Physics Based on Symmetry−Themes from Quantum Optics” in 2022nd – NTT Communication Science basic Research Lab. Open House Lecture.
2022.3.4 Prof. Masato Wakayama delivered an invited talk on ”Study on quantum interactions and number theory” in iTHEMS Coffee Meeting, RIKEN.
2022.3.1 Dr. Go Kato delivered an invited talk on “Current Status of Quantum Information Processing Research and Challenges for Realization” in ISFAR-SU 2022.
2021.10.23 The homepage has been released.
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